What the meanig of «Total Base Number (TBN)»?
Total Base Number (TBN) is one of the characteristics of the oil, which indirectly indicates its detergent and dispersing properties, the ability of the oil to neutralize acids and inhibit corrosion processes. This indicator is measured in milligrams of potassium hydroxide (mg KOH), which is equivalent to the content of all alkaline components in one gram of oil. The combustion process generates acids in the engine causing corrosive wear and carbon deposits that contaminate the oil. In order to neutralize them, the additives are used, the effectiveness of which in oil is determined by the base number. The total base number of oils for mainline truck engines can reach values over 15 mgKOH/g, for energy-saving oils for passenger car engines this value is limited to 6 mgKOH/g.