22 February 2023

News: Fifth Wheel Lubricant

The fifth wheel is the saddle, the hitch of the truck and trailer. Like any mechanism, it needs maintenance and periodic lubrication. This is not a very pleasant and messy procedure for the driver-mechanic and takes time, requires removing old grease remains, cleaning the surfaces of the saddle, and applying and distributing a new protective layer of lubricant.

GEAR HEAD LUBE 5TH WHEEL GREASE PAD lubrication blocks are a very convenient product for fifth wheel maintenance in our range. The dark gray blocks are approximately 8x8x1 cm in size and consist of a water-resistant biodegradable soybean oil-based lubricant that is coated with a stable sheath for easy storage and use.

The typical fifth-wheel lubrication procedure using the blocks is very simple, clean and quick: one lubrication block is placed on each side of the saddle, and connecting the trailer to the saddle will crush the blocks and distribute the lubricant over the surfaces to be lubricated. And until the next fifth wheel service, that’s it!

For more information about the product, see the link on our website.